Dirt on Fire Festival @ Miercurea Ciuc
Dirt On Fire 2012 – Progressive Fire Festival
Dupa o prima editie de mare succes si cu ecouri internationale neasteptate, Dirt On Fire revine pe 10-11 august 2012 la Miercurea Ciuc, in sufletul Transilvaniei, pentru o a doua editie si mai ampla, si mai spectaculoasa, si mai fierbinte.
Cuvantul cheie este “evolutie”, iar anul acesta ne adresam tot dirtjumperilor pe BMX si mountainbike, dar avem un mare bonus: o demonstratie de FMX! Da, ati citit bine! FMX, adica Freestyle Motocross!!! Dirt On Fire devine astfel primul eveniment din Romania care integreaza aceasta discliplina electrizanta, apreciata si urmarita in toata lumea.
O alta noutate de anul acesta o reprezinta schimbarea formatului, dintr-un jam session cu manse multiple intr-un sistem eliminatoriu de tip head-to-head. Mai exact, in aceasta formula, competitorii se dau unul impotriva celuilalt, potentand spectaculozitatea si fiorii de emotii din randul publicului. De asemenea, terenul de joaca Dirt On Fire este acelasi dirtpark superprogresiv, dar care a fost redesenat pentru editia de anul aceste si contine obstacole noi pentru a spori evolutia.
Dirt On Fire i-a invitat deja pe unii dintre cei mai buni rideri din Polonia, Ungaria, Austria si Germania, si evident si pe cei mai talentati romani. Ei vor fi prezenti la Miercurea Ciuc pentru a ne arata din nou evolutii in premiera. Din respect pentru eforturile participantilor, premiile cumulate pentru Dirt On Fire sunt de peste 4000 de Euro.
Si pentru ca am numit Dirt On Fire un festival al progresiei, lista de imbunatariri nu se opreste aici: la Dirt On Fire am invitat cativa dintre cei mai buni artisti din lume pentru a intretine spiritele si focul petrecerii DOF. Line up-ul de anul acesta ii afiseaza pe DJ Vadim, Freestylers, Gojira si mai multi artisti autohtoni consacrati. Da-da, ati citit-o bine si pe asta: DJ Vadim si Freestylers!
Tineti aproape pentru detalii si material promotional foto/video legat de eveniment! O sa fie grozav si anul acesta! De abia asteptam sa ne vedem!
Echipa Ride More pentru Dirt On Fire
Dirt On Fire 2012 – Progressive Fire Festival
After the first edition of great success and unexpected feedback from the international scene, Dirt On Fire comes back again in 2012 on the 10th and 11th of August, same location in Miercurea Ciuc, in the heart of amazing Transylvania. The second edition promises to be even bigger, more spectacular and way much hotter.
The key word is <progression> dedicated to all the dirtjumpers of BMX and MTB, but with a special bonus in 2012: a freestyle motocross demonstration! Yes, that’s true! So Dirt On Fire becomes the first Romanian event which integrates this electrifying discipline, very much appreciated all over the world.
Another point of progression this year will be the competition’s format that changes from a jam session with multiple runs in a head-to-head eliminatory system. More precisely, in this formula, participants ride one against the other, increasing the intensity of the contest, for riders but also for spectators. Also, the Dirt On Fire playground is the same progressive dirt park as last year, but redesigned for 2012 edition with brand new obstacles in support of the evolution.
Dirt On Fire has already invited one of the best riders from Poland, Hungary, Austria and Germany, but of course we cannot forget about our very talented locals. All of them will witness the event and what better appreciation for all their efforts but offering 4000 EUR prize money at the end of the competition.
And because we name Dirt On Fire a festival of progression, the improval list doesn’t stop yet: we have invited to Dirt On Fire one of the best international electronic music artists to entertain the spirits and to keep the fire burning all night long. This year line-up showcasts names as DJ Vadim, Freestylers, Gojira and some many other Romanian artists. Yes yes yes, this is not a lie: DJ Vadim and Freestyles come to Miercurea Ciuc!
Stay tuned for all the updates regarding Dirt On Fire, with some fresh photo and video information. It’s gonna be awsome, also in 2012!
We can’t wait to see you here!
Ridemore team for Dirt On Fire.